Colaboración: Lic. Juan Manuel
Figueroa, Angloamericano Plantel Zacatepec

It’s imperative to understand and master your own language. Being able
to express yourself clearly in both written and oral form, understanding all
kinds of texts, and being able to understand what a speaker is saying. Sounds
challenging, doesn’t it? Now imagine having all of these abilities in a foreign
language, or in a second language, your field of opportunity would be
significantly wider, you’d be able to work just about anywhere. If you only
just look for information on the internet about your field of interest the
options you have increase exponentially if you speak English, a better
lifestyle, not to mention cultural enrichment, are benefits only attainable
through learning a foreign language.
It’s worth mentioning that learning English is so accessible, but the
truth is that it requires effort, time, consistency, and a real inversion. But
it is also true that those things that require the most effort are often the
most rewarding.
It must sound tiring, especially when learning another language is not
your forte, but everything is hard at the beginning. Start by choosing a
prestigious institution with experience and in a convenient location where you
can begin your adventure into language learning.